Dear customers. On this page you can find a list of delivered packages that have been returned to us. We sent all the packages to the correct addresses. Each of these shipments has a tracking number and postage is paid. In cases where an error has occurred on our part, we fully cover the cost of re-sending the books. In case of uncollected mail, wrong address etc., we will notify each customer by email for re-payment of postage and packaging. Here you can find your name. When we re-send you the book, you will find the tracking number of your shipment next to your name. If your name is misspelled, you can’t find your name or the information does not match your order, feel free to contact us to check everything. TRACK YOUR BOOKS HERE.

These books are sent to the addresses provided by customers on their PayPal profile.
The books arrived at their destination, but were not picked up, so they were returned.

TRACKING NUMBER SOON Michael Grossman Alvarez – Album 5, 6, 7
TRACKING NUMBER SOON Sergio Ramos Lopez, Spain – Album 4, 10
TRACKING NUMBER SOON Jorge Alarcon, USA, Album 12
TRACKING NUMBER SOON Albert Peter, USA – Album 9